Thursday, June 25, 2020

How to Independently Register for AP Exams

Self-Studying for AP Exams Is a Great Way to Improve Your Course Rigor But How Do You Self-Register? Are you planning to take AP Exams this May? For most students, if your school offers AP courses, you will have an AP coordinator who will handle exam registration, fee collection, and notify you of where to be and when for your exams. However, if you are registered solely in an online school, are homeschooled, or your school does not offer AP Examsso you self-studied, you have the option to register as an independent. Self-Studying for AP ExamsFor many students, independently studying and taking AP exams is a great way to improve course rigor and demonstrate their interests through their coursework. Students will self-study or independently register for AP exams for a variety of reasons. Maybe their school doesn’t offer AP courses, or maybe they offer some but not the courses a student may be interested in. Students who are homeschooled or go to high school online might also have to register independently. Self-studying for AP exams is one way for students to deepen their knowledge of a subject and demonstrate their mastery of it, but if you’re self-studying you might also have to register without the aid of an AP coordinator. Registering IndependentlyIf you plan to register for an AP exam independently, contact the College Board’s AP Services in January of the year you plan to take the test in order to find AP testing sites near you and to register. AP Services will provide you with info on testing centers and testing coordinators you will need to reach out to in order to arrange for your test. Prior to contacting AP Services, it’s important to compile a list of all the AP Exams you would like to register for. That way, when you reach out to the local testing sites, you are able to confirm that they can provide all the examinations for which you are planning to test. AP ServicesPhone: 888-225-5427 (toll free in the U.S. Canada)Email: Once you have the list of testing coordinators provided by AP Services, you must reach out to register no later than March 15. Registration at testing centers is on a first come, first serve basis, so we encourage students to reach out and confirm in January to ensure you can find a local testing site that meets your needs. What to Tell AP Coordinators When RegisteringWhen you reach out to the AP coordinator, have all the information they’ll need handy. In addition to the test you plan to take you also need to: Inform them you are looking to register as an outside student to take the AP Exam at their location. Notify the coordinator of any testing accommodations that you are approved to receive. Agree to use the state homeschool code provided by the coordinator on the day of the exam, if applicable. Once you are registered with your AP testing site, the AP Coordinator will take care of ordering AP exam materials and letting testers know where they need to report to for testing. The Coordinator will also be responsible for collecting registration fees and coordinate accommodations that have been approved by the College Board. For additional information on registering for AP Exams as an independent, visit the College Board’s website here. At we work with students to help them choose the right classes and find alternatives in order to improving course rigor, like self-studying for AP exams, if advanced course options are not available. We also provide tutoring and test-prep services to help students master their AP material, whether in a course at school or when self-studying, and prepare for AP Exams in order to reach their goal scores. For more information on our tutoring and test prep services for AP Exams and more, contact us today.

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